5 Ways to stay on track with your online course

Now that you’ve started an online course, make sure you stay on track. It’s important to recognize that a student who takes an online course works at a different pace than a traditional brick-and-mortar student. Moreover, it’s easy to veer off the beaten path when you’re setting your own pace. 

To facilitate the learning process some students use online essay writer services or peer-to-peer assistance. Such kinds of cooperation allow students to get good grades, and save time and money. 

Here are five tips to keep you on track.

1.  Review Your Due Dates

In many online courses, the instructor will give you a syllabus with the anticipated due dates for course assignments, tests, and homework for the duration of the course. Keep these deadlines close at hand so you can easily modify or plan your weekly schedule based on your upcoming due dates.

If you don’t already have one, buy a date book or planner for organizing your weekly schedule with your course deadlines in mind. Make a To-Do list every week to post on your refrigerator. It’ll help you focus on the tasks at hand.

Just remember that writing down deadlines is not enough–you have to stay committed to completing your weekly tasks. If you find yourself losing pace with required reading assignments, paper submission dates, and test dates, don’t be afraid to readjust your schedule. Set your own pace, keep to your pace, and readjust if needed.

2.  Avoid Distractions

Chances are, reading that chapter is not your only task for the day. Maybe you have to pick up the kids or run some errands. In a nutshell, online courses require self-discipline. Because you can attend class on your own time and set your own study pace, it’s a challenge to stick to a strict schedule. Distractions in the form of family and employment will have a constant pull on you, so you must learn to manage your time well during the course.

One way to avoid distractions is to know where you work best, whether that’s in your spare bedroom or even at the public library. Studying for your online class at a designated location will help you focus.

If you still find yourself distracted by interruptions, try allotting a specific amount of time to complete writing assignments or test reviews to stay on track. Knowing your learning style will help you make the most of the time you have to study.

3.  Stay Connected

Because you don’t have class lectures in an auditorium with other students, you may feel isolated and, as a result, may be less motivated to complete assignments. After all, it’s just you at your computer. Human interaction is crucial for getting the most out of your e-learning. Connecting with classmates online through class discussion boards and social media sites, or even offline by scheduling group study sessions, will help you develop a much-needed support system.

Don’t limit yourself to just your classmates. Interacting with your instructor by asking questions via email will also help you stay motivated and more connected to the coursework. If you haven’t already, start building that relationship with your instructor now.

4.  Share What You Learn

Although you might be the only one in your household who attends an online course, let your family and friends know what you’re learning, what assignments you’re working on, and when assignments are due.

By sharing what you learn with the people around you, your interest in the course will stay fresh and the material will be reinforced in your mind. Moreover, you will have a higher chance of sticking to your due dates when other people are aware of them. The encouragement from family and friends to finish assignments will help you focus and stay motivated.

5.  Reward Yourself

Once you’ve accomplished all of your course tasks for the week, reward yourself! Spend some extra weekend time in the garden or on a family outing. Give yourself positive reinforcement for keeping to your schedule and you’ll stay motivated. Plus, the break away from studies will help you stay refreshed for the new week.

So go ahead, whether it’s your first test in the course toward your AA in business administration or your thesis in an industrial engineering doctoral program, print out your graded course work and hang it on the refrigerator to celebrate. Share your grade with family and friends, and keep involving them in your education.


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